Assumption testing is at the heart of what good continuous discovery teams do week over week. It’s how we evaluate which ideas will work and which won’t. But before we […]
Ask Teresa: My Leaders Still Want Roadmaps with Timelines—What Should I Do?
Many teams, like sales and marketing, have time-bound goals, like reaching $X in bookings or generating Y leads by a specific date. Product teams are also held to time-bound goals. […]
How Can Product Leaders Support Continuous Discovery?
In addition to delivering a keynote at the Product at Heart conference (in case you missed it, you can find the video and transcript of that presentation here), conference co-organizer […]
Everyone Can Do Continuous Discovery—Even You! Here’s How
One of the most common responses I get when I talk about continuous discovery is: “That would never work in my organization.” But after working with thousands of product people […]
Share the Love: Be a Champion for Continuous Discovery
I’m hearing more and more about a very simple but challenging problem. It might sound familiar. You’re an individual contributor at your company. You picked up a copy of Continuous […]
Leading the Change: How Ellen Juhlin Introduced Discovery Habits at Orion Labs
For many product teams, continuous discovery is a brand-new way of working. It involves strengthening your understanding of business outcomes, fostering collaboration in product trios, and cultivating many other habits […]
Ask Teresa: How Can You Test a Customer’s Willingness to Pay?
I recently read Monetizing Innovation by Madhavan Ramanujam and Georg Tacke. Overall, I can recommend this book, but with one major caveat. In the book, the authors recommend that for […]
Understanding How Product Outcomes Connect to Revenue and Costs
Product teams need to understand how the work they are doing impacts the business. It’s up to product leaders to share this strategic context with their teams. Our 2022 CDH […]