Happy New Year! Every year, I kick off January with an update on how the year went and I share my plans for the upcoming year. This year is going […]
Product in Practice: Continuous Discovery Fuels Innovation at Sauce Labs
Can a single course change your career trajectory? For Mike Donovan, Senior Vice President of Product at Sauce Labs, the answer to that question is a resounding yes. Can a […]
Product in Practice: Creating Opportunities for Deliberate Practice at BBC Maestro
How often have you read a book or article and been inspired to take action on it? And how often have you actually taken action on it? Chances are there’s […]
Ask Teresa (and the Community): What Do You Do With Stakeholder Feature Requests?
Let’s say you’ve got a good thing going with continuous discovery. You’re creating a regular habit of talking to customers, you’re identifying opportunities and assumptions and building out your opportunity […]
Product in Practice: Iterating on Outcomes with Limited Data
We often hear from people that building an opportunity solution tree is hard work. And perhaps one of the most challenging parts of building opportunity solution trees is defining the […]
Opportunity Solution Trees: Visualize Your Discovery to Stay Aligned and Drive Outcomes
Opportunity solution trees help product teams chart the best path to their desired outcome. They keep the team aligned as they manage the messy cycles of continuous discovery. Opportunity solution […]
The Power of Opportunity Solution Trees: 7 Key Benefits Revealed
Opportunity solution trees are a simple way of visually representing the paths you might take to reach a desired outcome. The root of the tree is your desired outcome—the business […]
No Time for Discovery? Here’s How to Fix It.
It’s true that discovery takes time. Interviewing customers, building opportunity solution trees, running assumption tests—these are all activities that take your attention away from delivery. But I’m also a firm […]