Product discovery is becoming a trendy topic in the world of digital products. Why? What is it? And what do you need to know about it? I’ve got you covered. […]
Writing a Book: How Continuous Discovery Helped Me Write a Better Book
It won’t surprise you to hear that I use the same continuous discovery habits that I wrote about in my book to run my business. My primary objective across my […]
Continuous Discovery Habits (the Book) is Finally Here!
I am so excited to announce Continuous Discovery Habits is finally here! This book is designed to be a product trio’s guide to a structured and sustainable approach to continuous […]
Rethinking Product Discovery with Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Mind
Back in March, I spoke at ProductCamp Cascadia (an online conference hosted by ProductCamp Portland, ProductCamp Seattle, and ProductCamp Vancouver) exploring the topic of design justice. I refined the talk […]
Why There’s No Single “Right” Way to Do Discovery: Part 3
A few months ago, fellow Product Talk coach Hope Gurion and I sat down to discuss why there’s no single right way to do discovery. Want to read the previous […]
Why There’s No Single “Right” Way to Do Discovery: Part 2
A few months ago, fellow Product Talk coach Hope Gurion and I sat down to discuss why there’s no single right way to do discovery. Want to read Part 1 […]
Why There’s No Single “Right” Way to Do Discovery: Part 1
A few months ago, fellow Product Talk coach Hope Gurion and I sat down to discuss why there’s no single right way to do discovery. In this first conversation in […]
A Look at the Year Ahead: The Product Talk Roadmap (With a Book Update)
Happy New Year! I am excited to kick off 2021. For the past couple of years, I’ve used my January blog post to give an update on my plans for […]