When you conduct story-based interviews every week, you quickly begin to collect a range of opportunities. And while some of these opportunities might be related to your current outcome, that’s […]
Customer Recruiting for Continuous Discovery: Get Easy Access to Customers Week Over Week
In all of our Product Talk Academy courses, we ask students, “What’s your biggest hurdle to adopting continuous discovery?” Overwhelmingly, the #1 response is: access to customers. This doesn’t surprise […]
Tools of the Trade: How HiveMQ Automates Customer Interview Recruiting with Orbital
If you want to make continuous interviewing part of your discovery, you have to automate the recruiting process. It sounds simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. If you want […]
Ask Teresa: For Customer Interviews, Who Counts as a Customer?
Whenever I introduce the topic of customer interviews (the foundational element of continuous discovery), I get a lot of questions about who counts as a customer. Everyone thinks their company […]
Ask Teresa: What Do You Do with Atypical Customer Stories?
When we interview customers, our goal is to learn as much as we can about their context. This will help us understand their specific needs, pain points, and desires (otherwise […]
Story-Based Customer Interviews Uncover Much-Needed Context
Customer interviews are one of the most impactful activities a product team can do. But only if we use the right methods. Customer interviews are one of the most impactful […]
The Interview Snapshot: How to Synthesize and Share What You Learned from a Single Customer Interview
When you start interviewing customers every week, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by how much you are learning. When we use our customer interviews to collect specific stories about past […]
Tools of the Trade: Finding People to Interview Before You Have Customers
The foundation of continuous discovery is weekly touchpoints with customers. These touchpoints will allow you to collect stories that help you identify opportunities and build out your opportunity solution tree. […]