If you’re a product person, you’ve developed a set of skills that help you in your job. You know (or you’re in the process of learning) how to identify opportunities, […]
Sourcing Opportunities: Unlocking the Power of Opportunity Mapping
The opportunity solution tree is a visual representation of your continuous discovery work. It helps you keep track of your high-level outcomes, the unmet needs, desires, and pain points (or […]
Product in Practice: Opportunity Mapping Led to a 20% Lift in LTV at Grailed
What do your customers care about? This seems like a simple enough question, but many product teams struggle to answer it honestly. Often the first instinct is to frame an […]
Product in Practice: Mapping Opportunities at trivago
A lot of product teams claim to be focused on their users. They might even have regular steps in their processes that remind them to put their users’ needs first. […]
Representing Customer Segments on Your Opportunity Solution Tree (Teresa’s Take)
There is no single right way to do continuous discovery. I can’t emphasize this enough. Recently, Hope Gurion walked through three scenarios where she argued teams might benefit from including […]
Representing Customer Segments on Your Opportunity Solution Tree (Hope’s Take)
Just like many aspects of continuous discovery, there’s no single right way to use the opportunity solution tree. As a fellow Product Talk coach, Hope Gurion uses opportunity solution trees […]
Product in Practice: When Travel Ground to a Halt, Seera Group Used Opportunity Mapping to Discover a New Market
Hi there, Product Talk readers! We can’t wait to share our latest Product in Practice with you. For this story, we spoke with a product team leading the Digital Hotels […]
Opportunity Mapping: An Essential Skill for Driving Product Outcomes
The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book, Continuous Discovery Habits. It’s the opening to my chapter on Opportunity Mapping. Read to the end for an exciting new announcement. […]